
Investor Story

Business Segments

  Natural Gas Liquids Natural Gas Gathering and Processing Natural Gas Pipelines Refined Products and Crude
BUSINESS SEGMENT OVERVIEW Provides gathering, fractionation, transportation, marketing and storage services linking key NGL market centers Provides gathering, compression, treating and processing services to producers Provides natural gas transportation and storage services and direct connectivity to end-use markets Provides refined products transportation, storage and distribution, and crude oil gathering, transportation and storage 
CONTRACT STRUCTURE Fee-based, bundled service volume commitments and plant dedications Fee contracts with a percent of proceeds component Fee-based, demand charge contracts Primarily fee based
ASSET STATS Miles of pipeline: ~13,500
Storage capacity: 30 MMbbl
Fractionation capacity: ~900,000 bpd
Miles of pipeline: > 17,000
Processing plants: 23
Processing capacity: ~2.8 Bcf/d
Miles of pipeline: ~6,600
Storage capacity: ~59 Bcf
Miles of pipeline: ~13,000
Refined products terminals: 54
Marine terminals: 4
Storage capacity: >105 MMbbl
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE ~200 plant connections
(>90% of Mid-Continent connections)
Acres dedicated: Williston Basin >3 million; STACK and SCOOP ~300,000 Connected directly to end-use markets (utility and industrial markets) Stable, supply and demand driven business platform with access to nearly 50% of U.S. refining capacity and key crude oil assets in the Permian Basin
UNITS OF MEASURE MMbbl: million barrels
bpd: barrels per day
Bcf/d: billion cubic feet per day Bcf: billion cubic feet MMbbl: million barrels